Who am I ?

Ingrid Richaud, psychologue clinicienne

As a clinical psychologist, I study human behavior, thoughts and emotions so I can help my patients better understand and change what generates and maintains inner suffering and/or distress.

In the therapy room, I put a special emphasis on creating a conducive space for self-discovery so my patients can explore the richness and depth of their emotions and inner world. One of the aspects I most appreciate about my work is creating new perspectives that will best fit for the reality they choose to live in. I believe that perspective shapes reality. This is why questioning old beliefs, especially those that keep us stuck in a rut, can be so liberating and rewarding.

My formal training, professors and mentors, as well as travels and experiences abroad have helped me become  particularly sensitive to the influence of social context (norms and belief systems) on psychological well-being. Being of French and American descent, fluent in both languages, I was fortunate to study Psychology, with a minor in Science, Health and Values, in New York State (Wells College). During and after those four years of university, my curiosity for more experience and adventure drove me to continue exploring other parts of the world. In some places I ended up working and living awhile, learning their language (Spanish), and adapting to their cultural standards. Despite the years, I have not forgotten how much language and culture shape our understanding of the world and way of thinking.

More than ever, deepening my knowledge of psychology felt indispensable. This is when I decided to pursue my education, while returning closer to my country of origin, with a Master’s degree in Psychological Sciences, at UCLouvain in Belgium. On top of my natural incline towards cognitive and behavioral therapy (CBT), I took a particular interest in Systemic Psychotherapy. I am currently enrolled in a 4-year post-training program, to become a Systemic Psychotherapist. The systemic approach examines the influence of social contexts on the individual, and conversely, the influence of the individual on their social contexts. Social context includes all relationships, from family, to couple, to friends, to work relationships. 

Continued training and education :

Systemic Family Psychotherapy by CEFORES, Centre Chapelles-aux-Champs

4 year Post-Graduate Training (current training)Logo UCL Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve

Post-traumatic stress disorder and Complicated Grief by Christophe Herbert

January 2019FormationsPsy

Burn-out Syndrome by Professor Jacques de Mol

January 2019FormationsPsy

MBSR (Mindfulness based Stress Reduction)

8 week cycle with Doctor Bernadette Dupuis

April 2018- June 2018

Malignant Narcissist and his accomplice by Alberto Eiguer FormationsPsy

May 2018

Regular Trainings in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Since 2015

Logo Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

ACTiff, Licence 82691122869

Conflict Management and Non Violent CommunicationLogo Univers Santé de l'UCL

Univers Santé, UCL

November 2014

The key tools to leading a happier lifeLogo UCL Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve



SAVAR (Sexual Assault Victims Advocate Ressource)Logo SAVAR Sexual Assault Victims Advocate Ressource

Cayuga Counseling Services